Project Description

RIISS00054 Traffic Controller Skill Set

This is a SafeWork NSW approved training program. Graduates from the program will be able to gain a licence for Traffic Control Plans in NSW and they will receive a nationally recognised Statement of Attainment for RIISS00054 Traffic Controller Skill Set.

Potential Job Roles :

  • Identify safety implications of traffic control at road works and personal responsibilities
  • Set up and close down traffic control devices according to a nominated TCGS/TCP
  • Check, clean and store equipment on completion of work and close down a TC




is Offering Traffic Control Combo Course in Sydney


  • Minimum age required is 17 Years.

  • Must provide 100 points of identification at the time of course commencement; either original or original certified copies.

  • Successfully complete a Language, Literacy and Numeracy Test prior to enrolment.
  • Enclosed robust footwear at all times (preferably steel cap safety boots or shoes on practical assessment day) and neat, tidy attire.
  • Please dress appropriately for practical training sessions as you will be outside, this means strong and durable yet comfortable clothing i.e. jeans, work trousers for both males and females.

Who is this training for?

  • Personnel who are required to set up and work with Traffic Control Guidance Schemes/Traffic Control Plans at a work site.
  • Field Staff.
  • Team Leaders.


The training will cover four Units of Competency from the Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Package:

  • RIICOM201E Communicate in the workplace
  • RIIWHS201E Work safely and follow WHS policies and procedures
  • RIIWHS205E Control Traffic with Stop/Slow bat
  • RIIWHS206 Control Traffic with portable traffic control devices and temporary traffic signs

Duration: 8 hours


  • New entrants: $230.00 (no industry experience)
  • There is an additional charge of $120.00 for live assessment required on site, this will only become payable once all class based and simulated training has been completed and an SOT issued.


The course activities you will participate in, include, classroom work and simulation, theory questionnaires and group activities and practical implementation, monitoring and removing TCGS/TCP’s simulation using full scale devices and vehicles in controlled and safe environments traffic control simulation using full scale devices and vehicles in controlled and safe environments.

In addition to the activities that you participate in, you will need to complete the following assessment:

  • Theory questionnaires and activities
  • On the job practical application and observation (this will need to be conducted on 3 seperate live projects)
  • Provision of workplace samples and documentation
  • Core Competency Questionnaire and Simulated Traffic Control activity (Refresher Students Only)


On successful completion of the training, participants receive an SafeWork NSW Statement of Completion (SOC) valid for 90 days. You can start work with this immediately as it is recognised and endorsed by SafeWork NSW.

Within the 90 day period participants must have their final assessment take place on a live project on at least two occasions. Once participants complete the final assessment they will also receive a nationally recognised Statement of Attainment for RIISS00054 Traffic Controller Skill set. Star Training can then organise with SafeWork NSW for their competency card to be issued.

Location and Times

Liverpool Office: Fortnightly on a Wednesday from 0900 to 1700.

Granville Office: Fortnightly on a Wednesday from 0900 to 1700.

  • Please note Star Training does not have dedicated parking. It is suggested you take public transport for the day as we are only 2 minutes walk from the Granville train station. If you drive you will need to find a local paid parking solution.

Ready To Start Your Course?

Enquire here