Project Description

Smart & Skilled (NSW)

Smart and Skilled – NSW Government Funding Initiative for Training

* This training is subsidised by the NSW Government

What is Smart and Skilled?

Smart and Skilled is a reform of the NSW Vocational Education and Training (VET) system. The program is designed to help people in NSW get the skills they need to find a job and advance their careers. Smart and Skilled programs are subsidised by the NSW government and allow residents of NSW to study programs ranging from a Certificate I through to an Advanced Diploma, depending on eligibility and certain criteria. As a learner you will pay a portion of the cost of your qualification and the Government will subsidise the remainder.

If you study under Smart and Skilled with Star Training Academy, you are guaranteed to receive quality training, delivered by an approved provider under the scheme. Approved providers need to meet and maintain stringent criteria to deliver training programs under Smart and Skilled.

Am I Eligible?

Are you:

  • 15 years old or over?
  • No longer at school?
  • Living or working in NSW?
  • An Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, humanitarian visa holder or New Zealand citizen?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to all four questions, then you’re eligible to enrol in a government-subsidised course with an approved Smart and Skilled training provider like Star Training Academy.


The courses you can study are determined by the 2019 NSW Skills List and approved providers will offer one or more of these programs from the list, depending on what they are allowed to deliver. In 2018, Star Training Academy will offer the following Targeted Priority Full Qualifications:

  • BSB42015 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
  • BSB41415 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety
  • CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
  • CHC43115 Certificate IV in Disability
  • CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
  • BSB50215 Diploma of Business
  • BSB51315 Diploma of Work Health and Safety

The Diploma level programs listed above, can also be studied with a VET Student Loan if this is a preferred option for you, please read VET Student Loan section of our website and discuss the differences and options with our administration staff.

Is there a Cost involved?

Learners studying under Smart and Skilled are encouraged to contribute toward their future and their training and this is called the ‘Student Fee’. The student fee charged is a set price for each qualification no matter who you study with but it may vary depending on your circumstances. You may also be eligible for a Concession, an Exemption or a Fee-Free Scholarship

When you enquire with us about Smart and Skilled, we will advise you of your eligibility for an exemption or concession toward the student fee and tell you exactly what you will need to pay or whether you may qualify for a Fee Free Scholarship.

If you need to contribute to your training, you do not need to pay the student fee upfront, we will calculate the fee for you and negotiate a flexible payment plan with you. Also see information referred to above about studying with a VET Student Loan .

Can I enrol now?

Yes. You can contact us and we can start the process to enrol you for study commencing in February 2019. We will check your eligibility criteria and get you to fill out some paperwork including a form giving us your consent to use and potentially disclose personal private information and a form declaring all the information you give us is correct and true.

Further Information

If you would like further information contact Star Training Administration via or call our toll free number 1300 430 970 or (02) 9897 5622. We can advise you further on course dates, student fees, our recognition process for RPL and Credit Transfer and our Consumer Protection Policy. Our Student Handbook also contains detailed information on these policies and can be found at Student Handbook.

You can also access the Student Information section of the Smart and Skilled website at Student Information Smart and Skilled .

Ready To Start Your Course?

Enquire here